About Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

A Digital Signature is an electronic signature which is used for the following purposes:

  1. a) To file e-forms with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
  2. b) To file GST Returns
  3. c) For sending and receiving digitally signed and encrypted emails.
  4. d) In eTendering, eProcurement, MCA [for Registrar of Companies efiling], Income Tax [for efiling income tax returns] Applications and also in many other applications.
  5. e) For signing documents like MSWord, MSExcel and PDFs.
  6. f) Plays a pivotal role in creating a paperless office.

Documents required

  • Proof of Identity - PAN (Self Attested)
  • Proof of Address - Aadhar/Passport/Driving License/Electricity bill (Self Attested)